Open Funscripter Integration

Installation Windows (Easy)

This method use an installer that check for the latest release on GitHub and automatically update the existing Motion Tracking Funscript Generator (MTFG) OFS Extension on your computer. If you want to make an clean install of the MTFG OFS Extension you can delete the existing folder Funscript Generator Windows in %APPDATA%\OFS\OFSX_data\extensions (the X in OFSX_data is an placeholder for your OFS Version) before running the installer.


  1. Download OFS from (min required OFS Version 2.0.0!!!)
    OFS Download
  2. Install OFS
    Install OFS
  3. Start OFS at least once and close it again.
    Start OFS
  4. Download the latest MTFG OFS Extension Installer from
    Download MTFG Extension
  5. Execute the downloaded executable. Wait for the installation to complete.
    Run Extension Installer
  6. Open OFS, activate the extension (3) and enable the window (4). Now you can use the extension at any position in the Video with the Start MTFG Button (5). On slow computers, the program may take several seconds to start!. Before you press the Start MTFG Button you have to open a video in OFS else you get only the Message Box "Video file was not specified!".
    Activate MTFG Extension
  7. Optional: Add global key binding for the extension in OFS.
    Assign an Shortcut

What does the installer do?

This section for technical interested people who want to understand the installation process. The source code of the installer is in the contrib/Installer directory of this repository. The installer perform the following Steps:

  1. Check if the OFS Extension Directory %APPDATA%\OFS\OFSX_data\extensions exists (the X in OFSX_data is an placeholder for your OFS Version).
  2. Fetch the latest release Version from github rest api.
  3. Check if an (older) MTFG Version is already installed in the OFS Extension Directory: If we have already the latest version installed, we are done here
  4. The installer download the latest release version from github.
  5. After the download complete we extract the latest release to the OFS Extension Directory (Installation of the latest release).

Installation Windows (Manually)

If the installer not work for you, you can try to install the MTFG manually.

Disadvantages with manual installation:

  • No update function available, you have to update the Program according this manual install instruction.

Manual Installation:

  1. Download OFS from (min required OFS Version 2.0.0!!!)
    OFS Download
  2. Install OFS
    Install OFS
  3. Start OFS at least once and close it again.
    Start OFS
  4. Determine OFS extension directory in %APPDATA%\OFS. For OFS Version 3 the OFS_EXTENSION_PATH is %APPDATA%\OFS\OFS3_data\extensions.
  5. Download the application from
  6. Open your File Explorer and navigate to %OFS_EXTENSION_PATH% (determined in step 4).
  7. Create an directory for the Extension with the name Funscript Generator Windows.
  8. Create an other directory inside the Funscript Generator Windows directory with the Name funscript-editor.
  9. Extract the Downloaded into %OFS_EXTENSION_PATH%\Funscript Generator Windows\funscript-editor.
  10. Now check that the file %OFS_EXTENSION_PATH%\Funscript Generator Windows\funscript-editor\funscript-editor.exe exists.
  11. Copy the content from %OFS_EXTENSION_PATH%\Funscript Generator Windows\funscript-editor\OFS to %OFS_EXTENSION_PATH%\Funscript Generator Windows and override existing files.
  12. Now check that the file %OFS_EXTENSION_PATH%\Funscript Generator Windows\main.lua exists.
  13. Open OFS, activate the extension (3) and enable the window (4). Now you can use the extension at any position in the Video with the Start MTFG Button (5). On slow computers, the program may take several seconds to start!. Before you press the Start MTFG Button you have to open a video in OFS else you get only the Message Box "Video file was not specified!".
    Activate MTFG Extension

Installation Linux

I create an Install script to setup OFS + MTFG Extension. The script is located in ./contrib/OpenFunscripter/ You may need to adjust the script depending on your Distribution. Or you may want to install it manually by using the script as reference/manual. The script was test on Ubuntu.

One liner to run the installer:

wget -O - | bash

Please also take a look at the application build instruction where the basic setup of Python-Funscript-Editor is explained.

When i update the installer script recently you may need to clone the current file version with git due to the bad github RAW caching issue #46681.


When calling the generator, only a message box is displayed with the message: "Video file was not specified!"

In some cases OFS does not set the path to the video file within the lua script correctly (the variable VideoFilePath is empty). This could be happen when the video path contains some special character. Rename your video files and store them in a path without special character. Then the variable should be set by OFS and the motion tracking funscript generator should work. If you still get the error message try to restart OFS and wait about 30 seconds before starting MTFG to ensure OFS is fully initialized.

Tracking stops automatically

If a tacker does not find the selected feature in the next frame, the tracking process stops. If more than 90 frames have already been tracked, a window appears to select the minimum and maximum value in which the reason for the abort is displayed with e.g. Info: Tracker Woman Lost.

If less than 90 frames have been processed, a message box should pop up with the message Tracking time insufficient. In this case, no output is generated because there is not enough data for the algorithm to work with.

Tracking stops very often

The selection of the tracking feature is tricky and requires some practice and experience. For a good tracking result, unique features in the video should be selected near the desired tacking position.